Homepage - HabboBot

Welcome to HabboBot!

HabboBot is a one of a kind discord verification bot for Habbo Hotel, developed by Owen (misteromorg) and Andy (andings). The bot allows users to authenticate their Habbo account in your Discord Server.

HabboBot provides the following advantages to server owners:

  • Adding an extra step between trolls & spammers and your server will drastically reduce the unwanted activity
  • Integrate closely with Habbo groups, giving roles based on group membership.

As well as this, you unlock multiple features when using HabboBot that will help you manage your community!

  • Verified Users can be nicknamed to their Habbo username and given a role upon verification.
  • Group integration - Full support for giving roles to group members and administrators!
  • Highly Customisable - Range of customisable options provided allowing users to change certain options or disable settings entirely.
  • Global Support! - Every Habbo hotel is supported from COM to NL to FR and so many more!

Why not join over 100 users in verifying your Habbo with us today, letting people know that this is your account for Habbo!