Setup Guide - HabboBot

What is HabboBot?

HabboBot is a one of a kind discord verification bot for Habbo Hotel, developed by Owen (misteromorg) and Andy (andings). The bot allows users to authenticate their Habbo account in your Discord Server.

HabboBot provides the following advantages to server owners:

  • Adding an extra step between trolls & spammers and your server will drastically reduce the unwanted activity
  • Integrate closely with Habbo groups, giving roles based on group membership.

Quick Start Guide

Once you have added HabboBot to the server, you can follow the instructions below to set HabboBot up on your server.

Any instructions in Italics are Optional.

  1. Drag the "Habbo Bot" role above any roles you would like HabboBot to manage.
  2. Run the /settings command to check the default settings & make any adjustments.
  3. Create a role—it can be called anything, but most name it "Verified", that will be given to all verified users. (OPTIONAL)
  4. Run the command /specialbind @RoleNameHere Bot Verified, replacing "RoleNameHere" with what your role is called. (OPTIONAL)

How do I verify myself?

In order to verify yourself, your Habbo account must have a visible profile. Otherwise verification will fail.
  1. Run the command /verify HabboNameHere, replacing HabboNameHere with what your habbo is called.
  2. Change your motto to the one provided by the bot, this will be similar to "HabboBot Verify e7a6"
  3. Run the command /verify HabboNameHere, replacing HabboNameHere with what your Habbo is called.

The bot will automatically add the roles that the server has configured, you will only need to do this once as your Habbo username is stored in the bot for later verification.