Commands - HabboBot

User Commands


Verifies the provided Habbo account with your Discord Account.
/verify USERNAME


Removes the attached Habbo accounts from your Discord.


Syncs your discord account to any bindings that exist on the server, removing and giving roles where needed.
Please note that the "HabboBot" role must be above any other roles that you want the bot to act on. This is just how the Discord permission system works, so please make sure to account for it!


Checks if the user is verified to a Habbo account and provides information if verified.
/whois @user

Admin Commands


Lists the current settings for the bot in the current server.


View the current bindings for the server that have been created.


Creates a new binding for verified users and those with an achievement on Habbo

Role - The role you wish to bind, either mention or use the ID.
Type - The type of binding, currently only Bot is accepted.
Criteria - The criteria to get the role, currently only Verified is accepted.

/specialbind Role | Type | Criteria


Create a new binding based on a users membership to a Habbo group.

Role - The role you wish to bind, either mention or use the ID.
Group Name - The name of the group on Habbo.
Group Owner - The owner of the group on habbo. CAS SENSITIVE.
Membership Type - The users memebership type, either Member or Admin
Removed Role - The role that will be removed if they match criteria for this one. (OPTIONAL)

/bind Role | Group Name | Group Owner | Membership Type | Removed Role


Removes the binding from the mentioned Disocrd role.
/unbind Role


Updates the mentioned user, checking their membership against the created binds.
/update @user